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Thursday, September 9, 2021

Describing a Process from Flowchart





By describing a process we mean the series of actions or preparations performed in order to do, make, or to achieve some result. কোনো ফল লাভের জন্য একের পর এক কাজগুলি করার বর্ণনাকে describing a process বলা হয়


How to write:

The steps are given in a chart which is called the flow chart. You have to write one or two sentences on each of the stages. The flowchart is nothing but writing a plain and simple paragraph.

প্রশ্নপত্রে কোনো পরিক্রিয়া ধাপে ধাপে সংকেত আকারে দেওয়া থাকে প্রত্যেকটির stage এর ওপর একটি বা দুটি বাক্য লিখতে হয়

You should write an introductory sentence or sentences.

প্রথমে ভূমিকায় দু'টি কিংবা একটি sentence লিখে Paragraphটি আরম্ভ করতে হয় যেমনঃ

[1] তরল পদার্থ হলে (Milk/Coffee/Tea)........ is a favourite drink/ the most common drink.


[ii]  সুস্বাদু খাদ্য হলে (Pickle)........is a tasty/a delicious/sauce/food.


[iii] প্রয়োজনীয় জিনিস হলে (Soap/Paper/Phenyl/Rubber)......is a very useful/a necessary thing in our daily life.

[iv] রোজকার খাদ্য হলে (Rice/Bread)..........is a common and staple food/daily food in India.


Introductory sentence হিসেবে দ্বিতীয় বাক্যটি এইভাবে লেখা যেতে পারে :


It is prepared through a long continuous process. It can be easily made at home if the process is followed carefully. It is processed/prepared through several stages.


You should use some linkers in order to indirect the order of steps taken in the process. পর পর ধাপগুলির মধ্যে সংগতি রাখার জন্য সংযোগকারী wordগুলি ব্যবহার

করতে হবে At first / (প্রথমে ) Then / (তারপর) / Now (এবার) / Later (এরপর) finally / At last ( পরিশেষে ) etc. ইত্যাদি

The stages of writing are described in impersonal form and are generally written in the passive voice. কে কাজটি করছে তা উহ্য রেখে শুধু কর্মবাচ্যে সমস্ত প্রক্রিয়াটি বর্ণনা করা যায়

The proper sequence has to be maintained. আগের ঘটনার সঙ্গে পরের ঘটনার যোগসূত্র থাকতে হবে


Processing-এর ক্ষেত্রে নিম্নলিখিত বিষয়গুলি মনে রেখো 

1. Processing বর্ণনায় কতকগুলি stage দেওয়া থাকে প্রত্যেক stage থেকে verbটিকে খুঁজে বার করতে হবে Verbটি সরাসরি দেওয়া না থাকলে অনুমান করে বের করতে হবে

2. Verbটিকে কী দিয়ে প্রশ্ন করে subject বের করতে হবে কোনো কোনো ক্ষেত্রে কর্তা উহ্য থাকতে পারে সেক্ষেত্রে বাক্যগুলি থেকে subject মনে করে নিতে হয়


Buying mangoes from market        pouring/into jars

verb       subject                              verb

কী কিনব?                                        কী ঢালব?

Mangoes are bought from the market. Mango pickle is poured into jars.


3. Processing এর অধিকাংশ ক্ষেত্রে Agent বিহীন Passive Voice( Passive Voice of the verb without an agent) লিখতে হবে তাই Subjectএর পর to be verb (am/is/are/was/were) বসাতে হবে

4. Main verb-এর Past Participle করতে হবে তারপর অন্যান্য শব্দ বসবে


লক্ষ্য করো Lemon Juice তৈরির ক্ষেত্রে কীভাবে সমস্ত point গুলি সাজিয়ে একটি Paragraph লেখা যায়

Collecting lemons from market →  sorting them to remove the rotten ones→ peeling the lemons-crush to extract juice → adding sugar to the juice →  boil for half  an hour-cooling the juice-putting into sterilized bottles → ready to market.


Lemon juice is a tasty drink. It can be easily made at home if the process of preparation is followed carefully.




To be verb

Participle of the main verb

Preposition/ articles

Other parts

At first







the goods and fresh lemons


sorted out.



After that

the bad and rotten ones






the fresh lemons






the lemons




extract juice.


some sugar




the juice


the extracted juice



In a

pan for half an hour


the juice




some time.


the juice




sterilized bottles.


Finally the lemon juice is ready for market.

N.B. শেষের sentence টি Passive Voice নাও হতে পারে


1. Study the following flow-chart and describe how bread is made.

flour, salt, yeast, water → weighed → mixed up → dough prepared → cut into one-pound size → rolled and shaped → baked 20-30 minutes → sliced → wrapped in paper →  ready for sale.




Bread is a common and staple food in India. It is prepared through several stages. Flour, salt, yeast, and water are the main ingredients ( মিশ্র বস্তুর উপাদন). At first, those things are

weighed in proper proportion. Then they are mixed up thoroughly and made into doughs (মাখা ময়দার তাল ). Then the doughs are cut into one-pound sizes. Thereafter these are rolled and shaped. Next, these are baked in an oven for half an hour. Thus these are prepared into loaves. Then these are cut into slices. Finally, these slices are wrapped in paper and are ready for sale.


2. The flowchart below is about the preparation of mustard oil. Use the flowchart and describe the process in about 100 words. Tie up your sentences with proper linking words.

Seed collected → dried crushed in a machine → little water added →oil extracted oil cakes separated →oil kept in containers →sealed ready for use and sale.

[Madhyamik Examination-2005]




The process of preparing mustard oil passes through the following stages. At first mustard seeds are collected from the market. Then they are dried up in the sun form some days. After this, the seeds are crushed in a machine. A little water is added to moisten the crushed seeds to extract oil. Next oil is extracted and oil cakes are separated from the mixture. Then oil is kept in clean containers. At last, the containers are sealed properly. Oil is now ready for use and the containers are sent to market for sale.


3. Use the following flow-chart to write a paragraph describing how hand-made paper is made ready for market.


collect rags/torn cloths → cut into small pieces → wash and clean→ soaked in bleach (3-4 days) → beat into pulp → spread and lift in fine wire-net trays →  drain out excess water → overturn on blanket pieces → dry in sun or heating chamber → lift the paper from blanket pieces and dip in liquid gum →  dry again and packed. [Madhyamik Examination-1994]




Hand-made paper is suitable for printing book covers and for drawing. It is made from rags or torn clothes. At first rags and clothes are collected. Then those collected rage and clothes are cut into small pieces and washed and cleaned in water. Next, they are soaked in bleaching solution for 3 to 4 days. Later the bleached bits are beaten into a pulp. Then the pulp is spread and lifted in fine wire-net-trays for draining out excess water. Next, the pulp is overturned on blanket pieces. Then these are dried in the sun or heating chambers. Paper is lifted from blanket pieces and dipped into the liquid gum. Finally, the paper is dried again and packed. In his way, hand-made paper is made ready for sale in the market.


4. You may prepare phenyl at home. Below is an outline of the process of preparation. Study it carefully and describe the process.


Mixing crushed resin with boiled castor oil → cooling → mixing caustic soda→ stirring solution frequently pouring creosote oil → leaving it for 10 minutes → adding carbolic acid and potassium permanganate → pouring water → stirring the solution → pouring into another pot → leaving it for 24 hours.




Phenyl is a household germicide (জীবাণুনাশক বস্তু). It may be prepared very easily at home. At first, the crushed resin is mixed with boiled castor oil. Then the mixture is kept for cooling for some time. Then caustic soda solution is mixed with it. Next, the solution is stirred frequently (বারে বারে নাড়া হয়). Thereafter creosote oil is poured into it. Then the solution is left for ten minutes. In the next stage, carbolic acid and potassium permanganate are added to the solution. No water is poured into the solution. The solution is again stirred constantly. Finally, the solution is poured into another pot and left for 24 hours. Now phenyl is ready to be used.


5. Look at the flow-chart and describe how jute is harvested and made ready for the market.


Plants cut at the ground level → left on dry land → tied in bundles → dipped in water for retting stalks stripped → fiber rinsed, piled strands opened out → hung in the sun → tied → made ready for the market




Next to cotton, just in an industrial crop ( শিল্প ফসল ). Jute is obtained through a number of steps. At first jute plants, are cut at the ground level or uprooted in case of flooded land. Then the plants are left on dry land for two or three days. After that, these are tied in bundles and dipped in the water of a ditch or pond for retting. On the completion of retting, the fiber ( তন্তু ) is separated from the stalks. The separated fiber is then rinsed ( হালকাভাবে ধোওয়া ) and piled on the ground. Then the strands are opened out and hung up in the sun to dry. Finally, they are tied into bales (বড়ো গাঁটরি করে বাঁধা হয়) and made ready for the market.


6. The flowchart below is about the preparation of a mixture useful for rehydration or removing a shortage of water in the body. It is also useful for curing diarrhea. Use the flowchart and describe the process in about 80 words.


Clean hands, clean pots, a teaspoon tablespoon, cups → one liter boiled but cold water in a pot →  sugar or honey → 2 table spoonful’s → ordinary salt 1/4 teaspoonful → orange juice 1/2 cup of lemon juice a few drops → of sodium bicarbonate (commonly called edible soda) 1/4 teaspoonful → stirring well → ready to drink




A mixture useful for re-hydration or removing shortage of water in the body can easily be made at home. At first hands of the person who is preparing the mixture are meticulously cleaned. Pots, teaspoons, tablespoons, cups must be thoroughly washed. After that one liter of water is boiled in a pot and then allowed for some time to cool down. The next two tablespoonfuls of sugar or honey and one-fourth teaspoonful of ordinary salt are added to that water. To the mixture, half a cup of orange juice or a few drops of lemon juice is added. Then half teaspoonful of sodium bicarbonate commonly called edible soda is mixed with the mixture. The mixture is then stirred well to get the contents dissolved. In this way, the re-hydration mixture is made ready for use.


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