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Wednesday, August 14, 2019

Computer Science for Class 3


Computer Science for Class 3

Chapter 1 - Computer Fundamentals and Devices

·         Computer is an electronic machine that is used to generate information from data.
·         Four main parts of a computer are Monitor, CPU, Keyboard and Mouse.
·         CPU consists of three parts ALU, CU and MU
·         Computer memory is of two types
1.       ROM is a permanent memory.
2.       RAM is temporary memory.
·         Mouse actions are click, double click, Drag and Drop.
·         Speakers, joystick, Light Pen and Plotter are hardware devices.
·         Click: A sound that we hear when a mouse button is pressed.
·         MS-Paint, LOGO, MS-Word, and Notepad are some examples of software.  
·         Joystick is used to play games on the computer.
·         Printer gives the result on paper. Printouts are also called hard copies.
·         Mouse is a pointing device.
·         ROM is a permanent memory.
·         Microphone is used to record your voice.
·         Spacebar is the longest key on keyboard.
·         Hard Disk is fixed inside the CPU Box.
·         Software is a set of instructions that runs on a computer system.
·         CPU controls all the functions of a computer system.
·         Monitor looks like a TV screen.    


·         PC: Personal Computer.
·         VDU: Visual Display Unit
·         ALU :Arithmetic and Logic Unit
·         CU : Control Unit
·         MU: Memory Unit
·         RAM: Random Access Memory
·         ROM: Read Only Memory
·         CPU: Central Processing Unit
·         UPS: Uninterrupted Power Supply
·         CD: Compact Disk.
·         DVD: Digital Versatile Disc.
·         ATM: Automated Teller Machine.
·         CRT : Cathode Ray Tube
·         LCD : Liquid Crystal Display

Chapter 2 - Computer Care

·         Always press the keys of the keyboard gently.
·         You should not touch the wires when the computer is ON.
·         You should keep your computer clean.
·         Cover the computer after using it.
·         Do not eat or drink in the computer room.

1.       Define Power Button
It is a Button used to switch ON or Switch OFF the computer.
2.       What will happen if you sit too close to your monitor?
Sitting close to Computer Monitor harms our eyes.
3.       Why should you use the mouse properly?
If we click the mouse button continuously or use it improperly, then it will become faulty.
4.       Why should you not push the computer table?
Pushing the computer table disturbs the wire connection.
5.       What do you mean by “shutting down the computer”?
To close the computer is known as “shutting down the computer”

Chapter 3 – Introduction to MS Windows 7

1.       What is an Operating System?
An Operating System is a software that carries out all the important activities of the computer. It helps us to communicate with the computer.

·         MS Windows 7 is the latest version of Windows.
·         The background of Windows is called Desktop.
·         Small pictures on the desktop are called icons. My Computer, Recycle Bin etc.
·         Gadgets are the tools used to see the information. The Gadgets of Windows 7 are calendar, clock, weather, currency, picture puzzle etc.
·         The button in the left corner of taskbar is called Start button.

2.       What is Software?
Software is a set of instructions.
3.       What do you mean by Shutdown?
Shutdown means to close all the programs on the computer.
4.       What is RUN option?
The Run Option helps to start a program.
Click on Start Button. A menu screen appears.
Type RUN on “search programs and files”
Press Enter Key

Chapter 4 – MS Paint: Start and Close

We can draw and color pictures on computer by using the Paint program.
To start Paint Program
Click on Start >> All Programs >> Accessories >> Paint.
Closing Paint Program
Click on Paint Button >> Click on Exit Option

Title Bar displays the name of the current program. It contains three buttons: Minimize, Maximize or Restore and close buttons.
Ribbon contains several Tabs and Groups. Home and View are two tabs.
Home tab consists of Images, Tools, Shapes and Colors group. 
Menu Bar consists of Paint Button, Home Tab and View Tab.
Working area is the drawing area. Color of drawing area is white.
Tools Group consists of different tools which you can use in drawing. Tools group contains 6 tools.
Shapes Group consists of different shape styles
Color Group consists of various colors.
Scroll Bar is used to view the work area which is not displayed.
Status Bar displays help messages and position of the mouse pointer.
Polygon is a closed figure with three or more sides.
Ellipse is an oval shaped figure.
Magnify to appear bigger in size.
Airbrush is an instrument used to spray color on painting.
1.       Which group is used to use various styles of figures?
Shapes Group
2.       Write the short-cut command to close the Paint Program.
Alt + F4
3.       Name the components of the Paint window.
Title Bar, Ribbon, Tools Group, Brushes Group, Shapes Group, Colors Group, Drawing Board & Scroll Bars.
4.       What does the Title bar display?
Title Bar displays the name of the current program.
5.       Write the steps to start the paint program.
Click on Start >> All Programs >> Accessories >> Paint.

Chapter 5 – MS Paint: Draw and Color

Pencil Tool is used to do freehand drawings.
Fill With color Tool helps you to fill color in closed shapes.
Eraser Tool is used to erase any part of your drawing.
Text Tool helps you to write words or sentences.
Pick Color Tool or Color picker is used to copy color from one object to another.
Magnifier is used to see a drawing in a large size.
Using the line tool you can draw straight lines.
The rectangle tool help you to draw rectangles and squares.
A rounded rectangle is used for making rectangles and squares with rounded edges.
Ellipse tool helps you to draw ovals and circles.
Curve tool is used for drawing curves.
Polygon Tool is used for drawing Triangles or Polygons.
The thickness of the line can be chosen by clicking the Size drop-down arrow.

1.       Name the tool which can be used to draw a circle.
Ellipse tool helps us to draw circles.
2.       Which tool is used to erase your drawing?
Eraser tool is used to erase drawings.
3.       Which key is used to draw perfect squares or circles?
Press and Hold Shift key to draw perfect squares or circles.
4.       Name any four tools which are used in Paint.
There are six tools is Tools Group, they are Pencil, Eraser, Fill with color, Text, Magnifier and Color Picker.
5.       Write the steps to save yourdrawing.
Click the paint button >> click the Save option >> Now in the file name box, type the name that you want to give to your work >> Click the Save button
6.       What is Polygon?
Polygon is a closed figure with three or more sides.
7.       What is Ellipse?
Ellipse is an oval shaped figure.  

Chapter 6 – More about Paint

Brush Tool is like a painting brush.
The thickness of line can be chosen by clicking the Size drop-down arrow.
Cut and paste removes the original object .Copy and paste retains the original object at its original position.
We can choose the colors from color box
We can choose the thickness of brush from Size Option.

1.       How many types of selection are possible in Paint?
Two types.   (I) Rectangular Selection & (ii) Free-form selection            
2.       Which tool is used to select rectangular portion of drawing?
Rectangular selection tool is used to select a rectangular portion of drawing.
3.       Which tool is used to select irregular portions of a drawing?
Free from selection tool is used to select the part of drawing irregular shape.
4.       Which tool is used to copy color from one object to another?
Pick Color Tool or Color picker is used to copy color from one object to another.
5.       Which brush is used for spray painting?
Airbrush is used for spray painting.
6.       Complete the steps to magnify an image.
                                  i.            Click the Home tab.
                                 ii.            Click Magnifier from Tools group.
                               iii.            Bring the Mouse to work area.
                               iv.            A   Rectangle with magnifier appears on the screen.
                                v.            Click Left mouse button on that portion you want to Magnify.
                               vi.            The portion of image appears  larger in size  
7.       What is Rotate Tool?
Rotate tool is used to move the image in any direction.
Click Home >> Click Rotate from image group >> select and click the option you want to use.>> image will get rotated according to your selection.
8.       Can we rotate our picture in paint?
9.       Which brush is used for spray painting?

Short Cut Keys

1.       To open RUN dialog box                                              :   Press Windows Key + R
2.       To Close Paint Window                                               :    Press Alt + F4
3.       To save our drawing or any other work                 :    Press Ctrl + S
4.       To Open a file or any other work                           :   Press Ctrl + O
5.       To  Open a new Drawing                                             :    Press Ctrl + N
6.       Press and hold shift key for drawing perfect square.
7.       Press and hold shift key for drawing rounded square.
8.       You can increase or decrease the size of brush being used using Ctrl  +  [+] key or Ctrl + [-]
9.       Cut and Paste removes the original object .Copy and Paste retain the original object at its original position.

Chapter 7 – Introduction to MSW -LOGO

1.       What is LOGO?
Ans: LOGO is a simple computer language used to draw figures, type text and to do mathematical calculations.
2.       What is the full form of LOGO?
Ans: The full form of logo is Language of graphic oriented or Logic Oriented Graphic Oriented
3.       What is the shape of a turtle?
Ans: The shape of a turtle is like a triangle.
4.       How many parts of logo windows?
Ans: There are two main parts of logo windows.
5.       Name the two main parts of logo windows.
Ans: 1. Main screen 2. Commander window .

The main screen consists of Title Bar, Menu Bar, Drawing Area and Scroll Bar.
Commander Window consists of Recall List Box, Command Input Box, Command buttons and Scroll Bars.
Command buttons on the MSW LOGO screen are Execute Button, Halt Button, Reset, Trace, Pause, Step and Status.

6.       What does the recall list box display?
Ans: The recall list box displays all the commands that we have written/typed in the ‘command input box.’
7.       What is LOGO turtle?
Ans: A small triangle that acts like a LOGO pen is called Logo turtle.
8.       How many parts of LOGO turtle?
Ans: Logo turtle has two parts 1) Head 2) Tail.
9.       What is the Program?
Ans: A set of instructions given to a computer is called Program.
10.   What is meant by head?
Ans: Head means the top pointed end of the turtle is called its head.
11.   What is tail?
Ans: Bottom part of the Turtle is called tail.
12.   What is another name of logo commands?
Ans: Another name of logo commands is primitives.
13.   Where do we type the commands?
Ans: We type commands in Command Input Box
14.   What is meant by primitives?
Ans: LOGO commands are also called logo primitives.
15.   In how many parts the commander window is divided? Name them.
Ans: The commander window is divided in three parts.
1. Command input box
2. Recall list box
3. Command Buttons.
16.   How many basic primitives in logo?
Ans: There are nine basic primitives in logo.
17.   How will you start LOGO?
1. Click on the Start button
               2. Choose All programs
               3. Select and click on Microsoft window logo.
               4. Click on “OK” button to start MSW logo screen.
18.   Write the three uses of logo.
Ans: Logo can be used to do the following tasks:
1. Drawing Pictures
2. Typing Text
3. Solve mathematical problems.
19.   How to Exit From MSW Logo?
1.       Simply clicking into Close Button
2.       Clicking Exit from File Menu
3.       Typing Command “BYE” in Command input box and then pressing Enter Key on keyboard.
20.   Which command is given to make the turtle take a half turn?
Ans: Command RIGHT_180 is given to make the turtle take a half turn.
21.   Which is the home position of a turtle?
Ans: Home Position is the centre of the Drawing Area
22.   Which command do we use to clear text from the commander window?
Ans: We use to CT –command to clear text from the commander window.
23.   How can we make the turtle reappear on the screen?
Ans: We can make the turtle reappear on the screen by giving ST command.
24.   Which command does bring the turtle back to the centre of the screen?
Ans: CT command brings the turtle back to the centre of the screen.
25.   Which command is given to make the turtle take a half turn?
26.   What should be given between the primitives and the number of steps?
Ans: Space should be given between the primitives and the number of steps.
27.   Which command is typed to move the turtle 50 steps backward?
Ans: BK 50 is typed to move the turtle 50 Steps backward.
28.   Which command clears the recall list BOX area.
Ans: CT command clears the recall list BOX area.
        15. What is the use of R.T?
Ans: RT command is used to turn the turtle’s head to the right.
        16. Draw the direction commands in LOGO.
3. Write the full form of given short forms.
Ans:        FD = forward
HT = Hide Turtle
CT = Clear Text
PR = Print
RT= Right Turn
BK = Backward
ST = Show Turtle
CS = Clear Screen
LT = Left Turn

Chapter 8 – LOGO-Commands

Turtle starts drawing from HOME position.
Turtle moves in the direction of its nose.

The FORWARD (FD) command draws a line in the forward direction for the given number of steps.
The BACKWARD (BK) command draws a line in the backward direction for the given number of steps.
The RIGHT (RT) command is used to turn the turtle clockwise.
The LEFT (LT) command is used to turn the turtle anti clockwise.
The CLEAR SCREEN (CS) command clears the drawing made by turtle.
The CLEAR TEXT (CT) command clears all the written commands from the input box.
The HIDE TURTLE (HT) command disappears turtle from the screen.
The SHOW TURTLE (ST) command shows the turtle again on the screen.

Home Position is the centre of the drawing area.
Head is the pointed end of the turtle.
Tail is the bottom part of the turtle.

29.   What will be the effect of typing FD50(No Spaces) in the command input box?
                We will get an Error Message: “I don’t know how to FD50”
30.   What will be the effect of typing BK  -20  in the command input box?
               Turtle moves forward 20 steps.
31.   What will be the effect of typing FD  -50  in the command input box?
               Turtle moves backward 50 steps.
32.   What Happened when you typed FD 800
33.   Where will you find the turtle when LOGO starts?
When we start LOGO on the computer, turtle appears in the centre of the screen.
34.   Which command is used to clear the drawing made by turtle?
CS (CLEAR SCREEN) command clears the complete drawing on the main screen made by the turtle.
35.   How will you start LOGO?
1. Click on the Start button
              2. Choose All programs
            3. Select and click on Microsoft window logo.
            4. Click on “OK” button to start MSW logo screen.
36.   How will you move turtle forward by using BK command?
We can move the turtle forward with backward command using a (-) minus sign before the number of steps, BK -40
37.   What will turtle do after moving 500 steps forward from HOME position?
The Turtle moved forward and at 500 steps the screen came to an end, so it will start again from bottom of the screen.
38.   How can we check the position of turtle?
By clicking “STATUS” button.

Rearrange the jumbled words:
1.       USRBH                                  
17.   OBX
2.       ITTLE                                   
18.   EHPAS
3.       CENIPL                                  
19.   TSRAT
4.       AINTP                                    
20.   YOPFLP
5.       OCOLR                                 
6.       YOLPOGN
22.   CUP
7.       ILNE
8.       RASERE
24.   OUMES
9.       ALOV
10.   QSAUER
11.   ICLREC
27.   RUBSH
29.  ORTAET              
30.   RIARUBSH  
15.   UZPLZE
31.   ELESCT
16.   RUSBH

Answer: Brush ,title ,pencil ,paint ,color ,polygon ,line ,eraser ,oval ,square , circle ,straight ,rounded ,ellipse , puzzle , brush ,box ,shape , start ,floppy , animation, cpu , printer ,mouse ,keyboard ,monitor ,brush ,magnify ,rotate ,airbrush , select .

Write True or False

1.       MS Windows 7 is not an operating system.
2.       By double clicking an icon, it doesn’t get opened.
3.       Clock and Weather are ___________________ in Window 7.
4.       Date and Time appear on the right corner of Taskbar.
5.       An OS doesn’t control all the activities of computer.
6.       You cannot start the paint program by using the Keyboard.
7.       There are three types of Scroll Bars.
8.       Title bar contains only two buttons.
9.       Menu bar contains different tab.
10.   To close paint you will click on Exit Option.
11.   Pencil tool is used to erase your drawing
12.   A Polygon has only two sides.
13.   Perfect circle can draw by pressing the shift key.
14.   Fill with color tool is used to fill color in a closed shape.
15.   You cannot erase your incorrect drawing.

Fill in the blanks

1.       Small pictures on the desktop are called _______________________
2.       The button in the left corner of taskbar is called ________________
3.       MS Windows 7 is an _________________
4.       ______________ is a Gadget in Windows 7
5.       The band present at the bottom of desktop is called  the ________________
6.       ____________ means to close all programs on the computer.
7.       A _________________ is a set of instructions.
8.       ___________________ are the tools used to see the information.
9.       _______________ Bar displays the name of the program.
10.   You can draw and color pictures on computer by using the ______________ program.
11.   Paint program is present in ________________
12.   ______________ is an input device. You can type alphabet, numbers words and sentences using it.
13.    Windows 7 ______________________ are calendar, clock, weather, picture, puzzle etc.
14.   A ______________ is a closed figure with three or more sides.
15.   To save a drawing select _____________ option.
16.    Is an icon of __________________ tool?
17.   ____________________ tool is used to make free hand drawings
18.   To save your work click_______________________ button and then click save
19.   To draw prefect square press ________________ key while dragging.
20.   ________________ tool is used to write some text in the drawing.
21.   The thickness of the line can be chosen by clicking the _______ drop down arrow.
22.   The ______________ tool is selected for drawing a triangle.



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